11.08.2005 The Brownshirts Unite
Moscow Human Rights Bureau has sent letters
to the Ministry of Justice of Russian Federation concerning the
fifth congress of National-Imperial Party of Russia, which was
denied legitimate registration in 2003, taking place in Moscow,
where xenophobic and nationalist rhetoric was once again to be
heard. Radical nationalists from abroad also participated in the
congress. At the plenary session a German delegation was present,
comprised of Michael Kott, who had a few years ago headed the
“German Socialist Military Union” and now is the leader of the
“German People’s Union” and Bernhard Gruiss, German
Social-Nationalist chairman. Jurgen Graff, who had been condemned
July, 21, 1998, by the Baden Court in Switzerland to 15-month
incarceration and a forfeiture of 8 thousand Swiss francs for having
written and edited four anti-Semitist books where Graff makes an
attempt, resorting to various manipulations, to prove that Holocaust
is a myth created by “Zionist propaganda”, acted as an interpreter.
Let us mark that Graff harboured himself in Byelorussia to escape
the penalty. The congress charged the Presidium with drafting the
treaty of friendship and cooperation between NIPR and their German
confederates. The participants made statements against “the
aggressive external policies of the USA and Israel who for the
chauvinist and economic reasons are apt at plunging the whole
peoples into a bloody chaos, particularly, the peoples of two
independent states – Iran and Sudan” and for colonel
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