01.04.2006 More than 2 thousand signatures
During the action for S. Ivanov, the Russian
Minister of Defense resignation, held in Petrozavodsk, we managed to
collect more than 2 thousand signatures, which were later sent to
the Kremlin. The signed up are the people of different religious and
political beliefs, students, teachers, pupils, doctors, public men,
military people. The reason of the turn to the President with such a
demand was caused by the multiple facts of tortures and high death
rate in army. Every year about 3 thousand young men die in army and
about 5 thousand desert it because of beating and mockery. The
country was shocked by the cynical reaction of S. Ivanov to the
tragedy of A. Sychev. Obviously, the current Minister of Defense is
not capable to change situation in the bud. We face systematical
violation of constitutional rights and death of our citizens in the
army. Unfortunately, due to the fact that army system is closed for
publicity, the society cant guarantee army service control. Besides
the number of army crimes is being hidden well, and people know
nothing about what happens behind the wall, that separates a
military unit and the city. S. Ivanov’s resign, abolition of
conscription would let hope that the situation will change to the
better, but until it happens we are to lose in non-military time and
observe the freaks reproduction in society. YHRG Karelian Branch