09.11.2006 Who, if not we? Where, if not here? When, if not now?
The 9th of November is the international day
against fascism and anti-Semitism. A pan-European company is held on
this day. The aim of such company is to remember the events of the
«Crystal Night» and to protest against intolerance, racism,
xenophobia and to protect respect and tolerance in the modern world.
On this day, on the previous and on the following days YHRG usually
conducts lections, seminars on the theme «Lessons of Holocaust is
the Way to Tolerance and Civil Activity». Such meetings took place
in the public library and schools of Petrozavodsk. In Russia this
day is especially acute. The marsh of neo Nazis on the 4th 4of
November last year is the stain on the newly appeared holiday — «The
Day of Folk Unity ».Accepting this day instead of the 7th of
November, the authorities supposed to make an illusion of social and
international unity in our society. Thus in spite of all mythical
tries this day is becoming the holiday for neo Nazis, the day of
international discord, hatred and xenophobia. They call it «Russian
march». Possibly, there will not be any swastikas on their banners
and flags and they can hide behind the banners of fight with
«illegal immigration », appeals to «Russian order », and turning to
«indigenously Russian values ».But in the gist of their ideas there
is hatred to “Otherness”, callings for “cleanings” and deportations.
As the basis for their propaganda there is a lie about national
superiority. One of the Nazi’s ideas of propaganda is the hatred to
gastarbeiters. Neo Nazis accuse them of all social problems we have
– poverty, unemployment and criminality. Business uses labor
migration as a means of cheap and rightless human power. And when
they need to frighten or to get rid of the immigrants not having
paid for work they turn to Neo Nazis. Authorities also need ultra
right. The myth about gastarbeiters leads national unsatisfuction
from the social sphere to the sphere of international stereotypes.
And if neo Nazis ever go out the state control, the state which has
brought them up can always become a fighter against fascism and the
protector of the society against them. Hatred brings good dividends
and political points. All these «Fuhrers » make their name promoting
fascism. They receive money and from building companies, thriving on
immigrants’ labor, helping them to get rid of used rightless
workers, not having paid salaries. Other politicians welcome leaders
of western fascism parties and of Ku-Klux-Klan, organize round
tables with the authors of books about Hitler, use antiimmigrant
politics for the victory on the elections. Neither politicians nor
governors should stop fascism. It cannot be defeated by declarations
or troops of Special Police Force. We can defeat fascism only by our
civil movement for the society, built on the principles of equality,
freedom and social justice, where there is no international hatred
and xenophobia. The history of “Crystal Night”. On the 9th of
November 1938 Nazis started Jewish pogroms in Germany. Upon coming
to power in 1933, harsh discriminating laws against Jewish people
were accepted. They had to pass their business to representatives of
«Arian race», to buy products only in the shops which belonged to
Jewish, send children only to Jewish schools etc. Then Jewish faced
with all-round systematical violence. Before the 9th of November
1938 all the pogroms were unsanctioned by the Nazis’ party and the
government of Germany. On the 6th of November a young Jewish Hershel
Greenspan received a postcard from his father, who together with 18
thousand of other German Jewish was deported to the Polish border on
the 27th of October. Awful conditions in which the deported existed
were described in the postcard. Hershel Greenspan was furious about
that, so that he went to the German Council in Paris and killed the
first of the German clerks whom he saw - the Diplomat assistant
Ernst von Rat, who died from wounds on the 8th of November 1938. The
news about his death reached Germany the following day. Hitler and
Gabbles were at that moment at the meeting of NSDAP on the occasion
of 10th anniversary of Hitler’s putsch on the 9th of November 1923.
Gabbles immediately used the chance to make a speech, filled with
hatred for Jewish. A pogrom, nonofficially organized by Hitler’s
troops started on the 9th of November 1938 in Berlin. Synagogues
were burned, shopwindows were broken all-round the country. This
fact caused the name of this pogrom – «Crystal night».Many Jewish
were beaten. More than 7 thousand of Jewish factories and plants
round the country were demolished. Nazis burned Jewish books. About
200 synagogues were destroyed. The assault continued for 24 hours
and 91 Jewish were killed. More than 30 thousand of Jewish were
arrested and deported to concentration camps. Many of them were
killed within 2 months after the pogrom. «Crystal Night» is
usually taken as the beginning of Holocaust–massive annihilation of
Jewish population. Apart from almost 6 millions of Jewish, who
turned out to be the aim of Nazi’s politics of annihilation, else
over 5, 5 millions of people were considered to be enemies of the
German state. Among them are killers and asocial elements, mentally
ill, homosexualists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, political opponents such
as communists and socialists, Roma and Sinti. Estimated total, the
number of killed Roma and Sinti is from 200.000 to 1.500.000. The
number of killed in the concentration camps homosexualists is from
10.000 to 15.000.
No to fascism, nationalism and xenophobia!
For freedom, solidarity, equality and internationalism! Join the