16.11.2006 Ability to accept differences
The 16th of November is the international Day of
Tolerance. On this day «Youth Human Right Group (YHRG)» will conduct
topical discussions at schools of Petrozavodsk on the theme:
«Tolerance. What is it about?». Tolerance means seeing
differences and their acceptance; it’s the skill to coexist together
with otherness, even if it’s completely strange. Virtue of tolerance
can go together with feelings of out of body, indifference,
curiosity or enthusiasm. Solely democratic pluralistic world is a
social projection of the world with lots of centers, discovered by
A. Einstein. Only cohesion in variety corresponds to new
cosmological schemes. Here we can’t have total equability and
unification. So, even at this cosmological level we see the ground
for social structures when, only existence of democratic,
polytechnic multicultural society is justified. This society is
opposed to cavate nationalism, racism, authoritarianism. Total
unification, rendering to a common denominator means making of
structure not available to exist, social catastrophe, degeneration
and triumph of entropy. The building of tolerance nowadays is
especially acute and problematic, because we live in society with a
low level of tolerance Current authority creates conditions for
intolerance, social enmity and promotes conflicts. The term
«tolerance» being many times used by the authorities in manipulative
aims turned out to be wiped out. We live in the time of indifferent
inhabitants and ordinariness. All this leads to the atmosphere of
falseness and deceit. Fiction is the main characteristic of our
time. Deceit and fiction in our country are massive. Having great
achievements in Russian culture such as music of Tchaikovsky, novels
of Dostoevsky, poems by Brodsky, great icon painting, art and
architecture we also have current mass media and mass culture of
primitive tribes. And we can say that Russian ethnos is already one
of these primitive tribes. Prefixes “esque” and “pseudo”
characterize our time. Today we need courage to call a fool a fool
or a slob a slob, like for example J. Bruno did when he defended his
heliocentric cosmology. The country is ruled by ordinaries. In the
conditions of total misuse and common simulators we can’t speak
about tolerance as a quality, typical of the majority. Current
reality demands correct understanding of tolerance and first of all
as a seeing and acceptance of differences between people and ability
to coexist. But under no circumstances should we understand
tolerance as a tolerant attitude to social injustice, meanness,
deformity and any valance. Tolerance is an occurrence of English
political culture. In Russian literature the theme of international
trust and respect is more actual. Modern Russian society,
unfortunately, does not know its culture, its deep cosmopolitical
tradition. Education of tolerant consciousness within youth is
one of the main activities of YHRG. We have recently issued three
brochures, newspapers, compact discs, made a site, and conducted
trainings, seminars and round tables and lections dealing with